Lubbock Magazine

March/April 2013 / Page #34-39 & #68-73

In this issue of Lubbock Magazine, I was actually given the opportunity to shoot two different stories. The first, "Bluebonnets," was about a beautiful garden right in the middle of the city full of bluebonnets. Although there are a few other places here in town where they grow, this is definitely the biggest and most beautiful garden full of our state flower within the city limits. I actually shot the photos in the spring of 2012, but since the spring issue had already been released when I shot the photos, they held on to them until this issue.

The second story, "Family Values," was about Stephen Joseph Gifts here in Lubbock. Stephen Joseph specializes in children's clothing as well as backpacks, lunch boxes, and book totes, and they make some really great looking products. I had fun getting to know the folks who make the business run and getting to see how everything is made.

Lubbock Mag.jpg
July/August 2012 / Page #56-61

"In Shape at 65 And Beyond" - When I was first asked to shoot for this article, I wasn't really sure what to expect. They said that it would actully require me to schedule multiple sessions around town involving health for senior citizens. Although it may not have been the flashiest article in this month's magazine, I definitely enjoyed getting to meet some new people and learn a little bit more about the opportunities that senior citizens all over Lubbock have to socialize, get involved in community, and ensure that their health is in top-shape.

May/June 2012 / Page #48-52

"Salty & Sweet" - This was the first piece I had published in Lubbock Magazine and, to be honest, I'm pretty proud of it. My good friend, photographic role-model, and co-conspirator for 2ndHandImages, Jerod Foster was gracious enough to recommend me for some freelance work with Lubbock Magazine and based almost entirely on his recommendation, I was added to the list. My first job was to go out and shoot a story about the increase in popularity of saltwater pools. Basically, saltwater pools use salt and sand to filter the water in a swimming pool in such a way that is alot better for your skin and is also much more environmentally safe. I was a little difficult to shoot considering I was shooting photos for a summer issue in the middle of a dust-storm in March, but I was more than happy with the way the photos turned out.


Food Network Magazine

September 2011 / Page #174

I know it's kind of hard to believe that the first photo I ever got published in a magazine was in Food Network Magazine, but it's true. My friend Justin Barnard owns one of the best artisan Pizza Shops in the world, West Crust Pizza and it turns out that Food Network had chosen one of their signature pies, The Hill Country, as the best pizza in Texas. Justin graciously asked me to shoot some photos of it and I was more than thrilled to do it. If you're ever in need of some tasty pizza here in Lubbock, West Crust is the place to go.